• UI – Typographic Weather App

    This was a mockup of a weather app made in Illustrator for my Typography I class. I thought it would be really interesting to have an app that’s a little sarcastic and simple to read,…

  • Branding – Kotoba A+D

    These are some mockups for a made-up design agency named Kotoba, made for a final in my Illustrator Certification class. I thought it was interesting that we were told to do some branding rather than…

  • Zine – The Tip Tome

    This zine was a final for my Print Design and Production class. I decided to make my second zine about things that I had figured out over the last semester, and would like to share…

  • Hand Lettering – Band T-Shirts

    For Typography II, we had to come up with hand-lettered phrases to put on T-shirts. I instantly gravitated towards making up some bad band names and throwing them on shirts. I immediately got to work…

  • Aaron Draplin Trifold

    This is a tri-fold brochure made about one of my favorite designers, Aaron Draplin, for my Typography 1 class. I decided to pull from the design of Field Notes, one of Aaron’s creations. I also…

  • Book Cover – Kafka on the Shore

    This was a book cover made for my Print Design and Production class of one of my favorite books – A Japanese novel titled Kafka on the Shore, written by Haruki Murakami. I chose the…

  • Zine – Double Take with SPECIAL ISSUE

    Double Take Double Take was a zine made for my Typography I final, and the first zine I have ever made. It is a collection of things you overhear that make you stop what you’re…

  • Typeface – Sclera

    This typeface was made for Typography II, where we were told to make a typeface inspired by another one.

  • Typeface – Hello World

    This is the first (real) font I’ve ever made, for my Typography I class.